Friday, February 26, 2010

Say What Say What!?

Finally, I have some time to write on the blog again. Sorry Ive been too busy over the past two days to really write anything good, but this will blow your mind. While I havent had much time to sit down and write, I have indeed had time to become dumbfounded by a few of the things that people are doing these days to make themselves feel and look better. The two things about to be discussed both freak me out and somewhat disgust me. The first of these things is done solely by women, and the second I find is primarily done by women. All of this only furthers my belief in the one main fact in life. Bitches be Crazy.

The first absurd thing that I must let you all in on is something that I came across a few days back, and to be honest with you I am surprised that I knew nothing about it until then. This thing is known as Vajazzling. I know, your thinking Vajazzling, it sounds dirty yet fun. Well, it is exactly that. Vajazzling is basically the practice of bedazzling ones Vagina. This is nuts. I just dont understand how this ever came about in the first place, much less how anyone decided that it sounded like a good enough idea to partake in. To let you know how "popular" this is, Jennifer Love Hewitt appeared on the George Lopez show and described this new bizarre trend and no one really seemed to know what to say. She even said 'it looks like a disco ball down there'. Also, apparently several Salon's offer Vajazzling now. Creepy Creepy Creepy.

The second thing that I realized is going on way too much is the practice of older people, especially older women, getting braces. I am against older people getting braces. I understand that they want better teeth and all that, but I mean come on, they have lived with those damn teeth for that long, whats another couple of years. Stop getting braces creepy old ladies, and if you arent going to stop, at least have the decency to get multi-colored ones and make them as bright as possible, that way we all have something to giggle at, instead of your ridiculousness that is.

So there you have it. Welcome to the world of Vajazzling and old creepy women with their child braces. I would put up pictures of these things, but Im concerned that the combination of bedazzled Vaginas and creepy old lady braces might get me kicked off. So, if your intrigued I suggest you do your own searching and find out whats up for yourself. Thanks for reading

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