Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Pitty The Fool Who Watches Lost

Last night was the long awaited return of the television show Lost. I must tell you that I have indeed never watched a full episode of Lost. However, I know some of the events that have taken place on this ridiculous show. There was the dreaded Polar Bear, seemingly endless amount of bullets for their guns, the smoke/fog, the others, time travel, weaponry, and a bunch of absurd characters. I do not know how anyone can watch this show. Every single person I have ever talked to that watches it usually gets so angry, or has been angry with the show in the past, that they seriously debate never watching again.

It is with this in mind that I am asking all of you to finally stop watching this show. Lets send it out on a terribly miserable note, and hopefully the losers who write this show will never get a job again. Do not let them win. I beg of you to boycott this "pull it out of your ass as you go" show. I am pretty sure that whatever crazy ending these writers have in store, if they actually have an ending ready, will only let all of you down and make you hate yourselves for wasting so much of your lives trying to figure out the riddles or whatever you call them. The one and only good thing about the fact that Lost is back, is that now we are even closer to it being gone forever. STOP WATCHING. Thanks for reading

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