Saturday, March 20, 2010


This morning I witnessed a most glorious creation. Some of you are going to doubt this piece of absolute awesomeness purely due to the fact that I saw it on saturday morning cartoons on The CW, but I swear to you that it truly is amazing. It is called Turtles Forever and combines the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon from the late 80s with the cartoon from the early 2000s. It is awesome. I have not finished watching it yet, so I cannot clearly state its level of awesome, but I will bet that once I finish it, it will quickly surpass the second and third live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies. I would have to say that this particular combination is good, but a great combination would be combining the WCW and WWF of the late 90s with one another.

I am fully aware that they are combined now and have been since the early 2000s, but by the time they combined much of what would have made an earlier combination great was over. Im talking about how glorious it could have been to have the NWO vs. DX at their prime, or Sting vs. Austin, The Nation of Domination vs. Harlem Heat, or several other dream matches that could have taken place during this time. I will forever be left with the What ifs on that combination, but I can and do thank the creators of the Ninja Turtles for combining the two series and making it light and comical for me to enjoy. There are no doubt several other combinations that could be truly amazing, but I will leave you to thinking of your own and enjoying the possible gloriousness in your own head. Also, very quickly, if you get a chance try and watch Donald Glover on Comedy Central Presents this weekend. If you cant catch him there, he appears on Community on NBC, or go to youtube and check out Derrick Comedy. Thanks for reading

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