Monday, March 1, 2010

Change is like a red sky in the morning

It is true, Change is the most difficult thing in the world, and at the same time one of the biggest necessities of life. It reminds me of the old sailors rhyme; Red Sky in Morning, Take Warning. In other words, when you are looking to make a change in your life, you must take warning and make sure to be quite cautious, otherwise bad storms may be just ahead. I, like everyone else believes that the grass is and must be greener on the other side. Most likely however, the grass is not greener, in fact it is at least as yellow if not completely brown. The past few years have been a never ending reminder and lesson of what the real world is and how difficult it is to get ahead and keep from drowning in yourself. As I have struggled to keep up and maintain pace, I have been able to take a few breaths and look around at my peers and friends just long enough to realize that most if not all of them feel the same. Change is terrible.

Well, change is necessary. I, along with almost all of my friends, am in need of a total change. I plan on doing what it takes to make this change happen and begin to make my life into what I want and need it to be. This may lead to a very difficult and tragic storm in my life, but in the same way as actual weather works out eventually in the end, I am positive that a metaphoric Rainbow will appear in my own personal sky. I realize that there really is no telling where my life will head as I begin this journey, but I have several examples and inspirations within my life to look towards for a guide along my path.

The past few years have been nothing but a mental beat down and gauntlet. It is most definitely difficult to lead myself along this path with confidence. I am well aware that there are many who would scoff at me and my situation, but I am sure that in the end I will be much happier knowing that I actually went through this hop scotch of an idea. It will no doubt take an extreme amount of time in order to determine if this gamble actually pays off for me, but the end product of a much happier me will be well worth any wait that is required.

Change is like a red sky in the morning, you must take warning. However, the necessity of that change will become so overly apparent within your life that if you dont attempt it, a much worse fate will come to you. The rainbow of happiness will persist from then on, and you will know that the worst is worth it to see the colors of a new life all over the faces of everyone surrounding you. Thanks for reading

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